$95 Million Siri Privacy Settlement: Payout Calculator
Apple Inc.
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If you owned or purchased a Siri-enabled device and experienced an unintended Siri activation during a confidential or private communication between September 17, 2014, and December 31, 2024, you may be eligible to claim up to $20 per device from a class action settlement.

Apple Inc. has agreed to pay $95,000,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for allegedly obtaining and sharing confidential or private communications through unintended Siri activations.

Who can file a claim?

The settlement class includes individuals who:

  • Currently or previously owned or purchased a Siri-enabled device.
  • Reside in the United States or its territories.
  • Had their confidential or private communications obtained by Apple or shared with third parties due to unintended Siri activation.

The class period spans from September 17, 2014, to December 31, 2024.

Who is excluded from the class?

Exclusions apply to Apple, any entity in which Apple has a controlling interest, Apple's directors, officers, and employees, Apple's legal representatives, successors, and assigns, and all judicial officers assigned to this case as well as their staff and immediate families.

How much can class members get?

Class members can claim a pro rata share of the net settlement amount, capped at $20 per Siri device. The final amount depends on the total number of valid claims submitted and the number of Siri devices claimed.

Siri Privacy Settlement Calculator

Calculation Details:

    Note: This calculator provides an estimate based on publicly available information. Class members are defined as Siri Device owners/purchasers in the US whose confidential or private communications were obtained by Apple and/or shared with third parties as a result of an unintended Siri activation.
    * Based on an estimate of 124.7M Siri users in the United States. The actual eligible class size may differ as it only includes users between September 17, 2014 and December 31, 2024 who experienced an unintended activation during a private conversation. Final payment amounts will depend on the total number of valid claims submitted.

    Can class members file claims?

    The settlement's official website is not yet available. When the website goes live, claims can be filed online.

    Claim instructions

    Follow these steps to submit a claim:

    1. Visit the settlement website and access the claim form.
    2. Provide your contact information and attest to the criteria under oath.
    3. Submit the form online or mail it to the provided address.

    Payout options

    • Physical check
    • Electronic check
    • Automated Clearing House (ACH)

    $95 Million settlement fund

    The settlement fund of $95,000,000 will cover:

    • Class payments to eligible claimants
    • Notice and administration costs
    • Attorneys' fees and expenses
    • Service awards for class representatives

    Important dates

    • Deadline to File a Claim: 05/16/2025

    When is the Siri Device Settlement payout date?

    Awards will be paid after the final approval hearing and any appeals are resolved.

    Why was there a class action settlement?

    The lawsuit alleged that Apple obtained and shared confidential communications through unintended Siri activations. The settlement avoids the costs and risks of a trial while providing compensation to affected class members.

    What happens next?

    The settlement administrator, Angeon Group, will publish the official settlemnt website located at www.lopezvoiceassistantsettlement.com where the final notice and claim form will be available. Class members will be able to submit their claim online at the website when it goes live.

    Settlement Open for Claims
    May 16, 2025