Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz $232K Data Settlement
Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz, PLC
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If you are an individual in the United States whose personal information was potentially exposed due to the NST law firm data security incident, you may be eligible to submit a claim for a payment from a class action settlement.

Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz, PLC has agreed to pay $232,500 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged negligence and breach of contract related to a cybersecurity incident involving their network servers.

The incident, discovered in June 2023, potentially exposed sensitive information such as full names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and general medical information of employees and/or clients. \[1]\[2].

Who is eligible for a data breach settlement payment?

To be a class member, you must meet the following criteria:

You are an individual within the United States whose personal information was compromised due to the June 2023 NST data breach.

How much is the class action payout?

Class members can claim one of the following:

  • Pro Rata Cash Payment: Payout amount will depend on the number of valid claims submitted.
  • Out-of-Pocket Reimbursement: Up to $5,000 for documented expenses directly related to the incident \[1]\[2].

How to claim an NST law firm payment

To claim a settlement, you must submit a completed claim form by June 27, 2025. You can file a claim online or print the PDF claim form and mail it to the settlement administrator by the deadline.

Settlement Administrator's mailing address: Garbarino v NST Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 2877, Portland, OR 97208-2877 \[1]\[2]

Required proof

  • Unique ID and PIN required to submit online.
  • Out-of-Pocket Reimbursement claims require documentation.
    • Account statements with unauthorized charges highlighted.
    • Receipts for services addressing identity theft and fraud.
    • Documentation showing other monetary losses and costs incurred due to the data breach.

Payout selections

Claimants can choose from the following:

  • PayPal
  • Venmo
  • Zelle
  • Paper check via mail \[1]\[2]

$232,500 data breach settlement fund

The settlement fund of $232,500 will cover various costs:

  • Settlement administration costs: To be determined
  • Attorneys' fees: Up to $77,492
  • Attorneys' expenses: Up to $65,000
  • Service award to class representative: Up to $2,500
  • Payments to approved claimants: Remaining funds after deductions \[1]\[2].

Important dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: June 27, 2025
  • Deadline to Exclude Yourself from the Settlement: April 28, 2025
  • Final Approval Hearing: September 4, 2025 \[1]\[2]

When is the Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz, PLC claim payout date?

Payments to class members with valid claims will be issued after the final approval hearing on September 4, 2025. The court must first grant final approval to the settlement.

Why was there a class action settlement?

The lawsuit was filed due to NST’s alleged negligence and breach of duties following a data security incident. The settlement resolves the matter without further litigation costs or a trial \[1]\[2].


Settlement Open for Claims
June 27, 2025