Walden University $417k Settlement for Unwanted Calls (TCPA)
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If you received unwanted calls from Walden University after requesting not to be called, you may be eligible to claim between $97.50 and $400 from a class action settlement.

Walden University has agreed to pay $417,067.50 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and Florida Telephone Solicitation Act by placing phone calls to individuals after they requested not to be called.

Can I Claim an Award?

To be part of the settlement, you must have requested that Walden University stop calling you after they placed a call to you, and continued to receive calls from Walden after July 1, 2021 (if you have a Florida area code), or after June 6, 2018 (if you do not). There are two different classes in this settlement – the “National Class” and the “Florida Class.”

  • National Class: Since June 6, 2018, all persons to whose telephone number Walden placed more than one telephone call in a 12-month period for the purpose of encouraging enrollment in or providing information about Walden University, after that person had asked Walden to stop calling.
  • Florida Class: Since July 1, 2021, all persons to whose telephone number with a Florida area code Walden placed a telephone call for the purpose of encouraging enrollment in or providing information about Walden University after that person had asked Walden to stop calling.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

  • Florida Class: $400 per Approved Claim
  • National Class: $97.50 per Approved Claim

Walden has agreed to make available $400 to each person who allegedly received such calls at a telephone number with a Florida area code and submits an Approved Claim, and $97.50 to each person who allegedly received such calls at a telephone number with an area code other than Florida who submits an Approved Claim. Everyone who submits an Approved Claim receives these amounts, no matter how many submit such a claim.

Walden has also agreed to pay Class Counsel’s attorneys’ fees and up to $10,000 in costs and pay costs and expenses of settlement notice and administration, separate from the amounts made available to Settlement Class Members.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Yes, claimants need to provide proof they are a class member. If you did not receive a notice about this settlement but believe you are a Class Member, you may be required to submit documentation showing that you were the user or subscriber of the phone number on which you received calls after requesting not to be called. Such documentation may include a phone bill, business card, or similar.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you can submit a valid and timely claim form by mail to:

Walden TCPA Settlement

c/o Settlement Administrator

PO Box 23489

Jacksonville, FL 32241-3489

Alternatively, you can submit your claim online using the unique Claim ID provided in the email sent to you at .

How do I Get Paid?

Once your claim is approved, you will receive your payment via check. The exact timeline for payment will depend on the court's final approval and any potential appeals.

$417,067.50 Settlement Fund Breakdown

The total settlement amount is $417,067.50. This amount will be used to pay class members who submit approved claims, as well as cover attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses of settlement notice and administration.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Total Settlement Amount: $417,067.50
  • Class Counsel’s Attorneys’ Fees: Up to $104,266.88
  • Costs: Up to $10,000
  • Settlement Notice and Administration Costs: Separate from the amounts made available to Settlement Class Members

Important Dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: September 28, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: October 29, 2024

When will Awards be Paid?

Awards will be paid after the court grants final approval of the settlement and any appeals are resolved.

Why is There a Class Action Settlement?

The class action settlement was reached to avoid the risks and costs associated with continued litigation. The lawsuit alleged that Walden University violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and Florida Telephone Solicitation Act by placing phone calls to individuals after they requested not to be called. Walden denies any wrongdoing but agreed to the settlement to resolve the matter.

What Happens Next?

Next, the court will hold a final approval hearing on October 29, 2024. If the settlement is approved, payments will be made to class members who submitted valid claims. Keep an eye on the settlement website for updates.

Settlement Open for Claims
$97.50 - $400
September 28, 2024