Stable Road Acquisition Corp $8.5 Million Securities Settlement
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If you invested in Stable Road Acquisition Corp. (SRAC) securities between October 7, 2020, and July 13, 2021, you may be entitled to a financial benefit from a class action settlement. The settlement fund totals $8,500,000, and eligible individuals could receive compensation for their losses.

Who Benefits?: Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired SRAC securities during the specified period and incurred damages.

How much can I get?: The potential average recovery per security is estimated at $0.40 before deductions for court-approved fees, expenses, and costs.

Important Dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: April 5, 2024. This is the crucial date by which Settlement Class Members must submit a claim to be considered for a payment.

Eligibility Criteria for Settlement Class Members

The Settlement Class includes all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired SRAC securities during the Settlement Class Period and were damaged as a result. Detailed inclusion criteria are outlined on the official settlement website.

  • Individuals and entities that engaged in transactions involving SRAC securities within the specified timeframe.
  • Entities that may have purchased SRAC securities on behalf of others.

Certain parties are excluded from the Settlement Class, such as the Defendants, related individuals and entities, and those who request exclusion by the specified deadline.

Compensation Available to Settlement Class Members

Eligible Settlement Class Members may receive monetary compensation based on the number of securities they purchased and the extent of their losses. The Plan of Allocation will determine the exact distribution of the Net Settlement Fund.

  • Tier 1: General claimants who held securities through specific dates.
  • Tier 2: Claimants who purchased securities at key times detailed in the settlement agreement.

Securities Involved in the Settlement

The settlement covers SRAC units, SRAC Class A common stock, and SRAC warrants purchased or acquired during the Settlement Class Period.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Yes, claimants must provide adequate proof of their transactions in SRAC securities, such as brokerage confirmation slips or monthly statements.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, complete the official Claim Form available online at Stable Road Securities Settlement by the April 5, 2024 deadline.

Analysis of the Settlement Amount

The $8,500,000 Settlement Amount was negotiated to resolve all claims in the Action, providing immediate compensation without the risks and delays of continued litigation.

Why Is There a Class Action Settlement?

The Settlement resolves allegations that Defendants violated federal securities laws, resulting in artificially inflated prices of SRAC securities. It provides a way to compensate those affected without further litigation.

Remember, to participate in the Settlement and potentially receive compensation, you must act by April 5, 2024. For more information and to file a claim, visit the official settlement website or contact the Claims Administrator directly.

Settlement Open for Claims
$0.40 per eligible security
April 5, 2024