Reynolds $3,000,000 Settlement for Recycling Bag Claims
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In a recent class-action lawsuit, Reynolds Consumer Products, Inc. and Reynolds Consumer Products, LLC (collectively referred to as 'Reynolds') have agreed to a $3,000,000 settlement. The lawsuit revolves around allegations that Reynolds misrepresented the recyclability of their Hefty and Great Value brand Recycling bags. Reynolds, however, denies these allegations and the court has not made any determination regarding the merits of the case.

The settlement is intended to compensate consumers who purchased the aforementioned recycling bags between July 20, 2018, and August 30, 2023. If you are one of these consumers, this article will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about the settlement, as per the official settlement website.

What does the $3,000,000 Settlement Mean for You?

The settlement amount agreed upon by both parties is $3,000,000. This amount will be used to provide monetary compensation to eligible class members who submit a valid Claim Form. The payment amount is $2.00 for each purchased product, up to a maximum of 25 products ($50 total).

It's important to note that each household is limited to one Claim Form and will receive only one check payment. The final amount you receive will depend on the number of valid claims submitted by all class members. If the total amount of claims exceeds the settlement fund, payments may be proportionally reduced.

What are the Key Dates to Remember?

There are several important dates to keep in mind regarding this settlement:

  • Deadline to File a Claim: December 13, 2023
  • Final Approval Date: December 13, 2023

Who are the Class Members?

Class members are defined as consumers in the United States who purchased Hefty or Great Value brand Recycling bags from July 20, 2018, through August 30, 2023.

However, there are certain exclusions from the class. These include manufacturers, distributors, retailers, sellers, and resellers of the covered products, government entities, persons who purchased the products for resale or business/commercial use, and the judge presiding over the case and their immediate families.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

Class members who submit a valid Claim Form can receive a check payment. The payment amount is $2.00 for each purchased product, up to a maximum of 25 products ($50 total).

  • First Six Products Claimed: No proof of purchase is required for the first six products claimed ($12 total).
  • Additional Products Claimed: Proof of purchase is required for any additional products claimed, up to a maximum of 25 products ($50 total).

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Yes, proof of purchase is required for any products claimed beyond the first six. This can include receipts or other documents showing the purchase of the product.

Why is There a Class Action Settlement?

The class action lawsuit alleges that Reynolds misrepresented their Hefty and Great Value brand Recycling bags as recyclable when they are not suitable for recycling at many solid waste disposal facilities. Reynolds denies these allegations and the court has not made a determination on the merits of the case.

Despite this, both parties have agreed to a settlement to avoid the uncertainty and cost of further litigation. If you are an eligible class member and wish to receive compensation, you must submit a Claim Form by the deadline of December 13, 2023.

Settlement Open for Claims
$2 per product, up to $50
December 13, 2023