Providence St. Joseph Health WA $850K Settlement
Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation
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If you applied for a job opening in Washington with Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation between January 1, 2023, and January 21, 2025, you may qualify to submit a claim $1,304 from a class action settlement.

Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation has agreed to pay $850,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for allegedly failing to disclose the wage scale or salary range, a general description of benefits, and/or other compensation in some of its job postings.

Who qualifies for a settlement payment?

  • You applied for a job opening in Washington with Providence between January 1, 2023, and January 21, 2025.
  • The job posting could be interpreted as not disclosing the wage scale or salary range, a general description of benefits being offered for the position.

How much is the Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation payout?

Class members who submit a valid claim form are eligible to receive an equal share of the Class Fund. The estimated payment amount is $1,304 per class member.

How to claim a job posting settlement payment

To claim an award, class members must download and complete the claim form and submit it by email or mail, postmarked on or before April You can also file a claim online. Claims must be submitted by April 12, 2025.

Settlement Administrator email address:  

Settlement Administrator mailing address: Spencer v. Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation, c/o Settlement Administrator, P.O. Box 26170, Santa Ana, CA 92799 [1].

Documentation required

  • Unique ID and PIN required to submit online claim.
  • Class members that mail in a claim form may be contacted by the settlement administrator to provide additional proof.

Payout options

Payments will be made via check mailed to the address provided in the claim form.

$850,000 Settlement fund

The settlement fund will cover:

  • Settlement administration: To be determined
  • Attorneys' fees and expenses: $250,750
  • Service awards to the Plaintiff: $20,000
  • Payments to approved claimants: Remaining balance after fees and awards

Important dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: April 12, 2025
  • Final Approval Hearing: May 21, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.

When is the Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation payout date?

The next steps include the final approval hearing on May 21, 2025. Once the settlement is granted approval, payments will be distributed to class members who submitted valid claims [1].

Why was there a class action settlement?

The lawsuit alleged that Providence St. Joseph Health Foundation violated Washington law by not disclosing the wage scale or salary range and providing a general description of all of the benefits and other compensation offered on certain job postings. The parties settled to avoid continued litigation and the possibility of a trial [1].


Settlement Open for Claims
April 12, 2025