Plum Healthcare Group $10M Settlement for Labor Violations
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If you performed work as a non-exempt employee at one of 37 healthcare facilities in California between December 17, 2016, and July 17, 2023, you may be eligible to claim an award from a class action settlement.

Plum Healthcare Group, LLC has agreed to pay $10,000,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged unpaid wages, missed or non-compliant meal periods and rest breaks, unreimbursed business expenses, and related violations.

Can I Claim an Award?

To be eligible for an award, you must be a current or former non-exempt employee who worked at any of the 37 healthcare facilities associated with Plum Healthcare Group, LLC during the specified period. The official settlement website outlines two groups of workers covered by the settlement: Class Members and Aggrieved Employees.

Class Members are those who:

  • Worked as non-exempt employees at the facilities between December 17, 2016, and July 17, 2023.
  • Were not subject to an arbitration agreement.
  • Did not release claims under a settlement in any of the Settled Cases.

Aggrieved Employees are those who:

  • Worked as non-exempt employees at the facilities between January 13, 2020, and April 23, 2024.
  • Were not subject to an arbitration agreement.
  • Did not release claims under a settlement in any of the Settled Cases.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

The settlement amount will be distributed among Class Members and Aggrieved Employees. The Class Net Settlement Amount will be divided among Participating Class Members based on the total number of workweeks they worked during the Class Period. Similarly, the PAGA Net Settlement Amount will be distributed to Aggrieved Employees based on the total number of pay periods they worked during the PAGA Period.

Class Members will receive a pro-rata share of the Class Net Settlement Amount. For example, if the Class Net Settlement Amount is $6,000,000 and the total number of Class Workweeks is 100,000, the per workweek dollar figure would be $60. If a Class Member worked 50 workweeks, their Class Settlement Share would be $3,000.

  • Class Settlement Share: Based on the number of workweeks worked during the Class Period.
  • PAGA Settlement Share: Based on the number of pay periods worked during the PAGA Period.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you do not need to take any action if you are a Class Member or Aggrieved Employee. The Settlement Administrator will automatically send your award based on the records they have.

How do I Get Paid?

Payments will be made in three equal installments, approximately 90 days apart. Ensure your address is up-to-date with the Settlement Administrator to receive your checks.

$10,000,000 Settlement Fund Breakdown

The total settlement amount is $10,000,000. This amount will cover:

  • Attorneys' fees: Up to $3,500,000
  • Settlement administration costs: Estimated at $83,000
  • Service Awards to Plaintiffs: Up to $15,000 for Plaintiff Guerrero and up to $10,000 each for the other Plaintiffs
  • PAGA Allocation: $100,000 (75% to the State of California and 25% to Aggrieved Employees)

The remaining amount, known as the Class Net Settlement Amount, will be distributed to Participating Class Members.

Important Dates

  • Request for Exclusion Deadline: July 27, 2024
  • Dispute Deadline: July 27, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: November 19, 2024

When will Awards be Paid?

Awards will be paid in three installments, approximately 90 days apart.

Why is There a Class Action Settlement?

The settlement resolves claims that Plum Healthcare Group, LLC and associated entities failed to pay for all hours worked, including minimum wages and overtime, did not provide compliant meal and rest periods, did not reimburse necessary business expenses, provided inaccurate wage statements, and did not pay final wages at the end of employment.

What Happens Next?

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on November 19, 2024. If the settlement is approved, payments will be distributed to eligible Class Members and Aggrieved Employees.

Settlement Open for Claims
$3,000 - $3,500
July 27, 2024