Owners Insurance Company Settlement: Claim Your Award Now
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If you've had a total loss claim on your automobile insurance policy with Owners Insurance Company between January 1, 2020, and August 2, 2022, you might be eligible for a settlement award from a class action lawsuit. Who Benefits?: Georgia residents who had a total loss automobile insurance claim accepted and paid by the Insurers within the specified period.

How much can I get?: Eligible class members can receive up to $450, based on the actual cash value of their total loss vehicle.

Important Dates

  • Fairness Hearing: Scheduled for December 8, 2023.
  • Deadline to File a Claim: February 6, 2024.

Identifying Eligible Class Members

The lawsuit defines class members as Georgia residents who were insured by the Defendants and had a total loss claim accepted and paid during the specified period. If you received a notice via email or postcard, you're likely included based on the Insurers' records.

Class members are those who did not receive or potentially did not receive a payment of at least 6.6% of the agreed-upon actual cash value of their lost vehicle as title ad valorem tax on their claim.

  • Insured under an auto policy issued by the Defendants
  • Submitted a total loss claim that was accepted and paid
  • Did not receive at least 6.6% title ad valorem tax

Exclusions apply to legal counsel for the Insurers, their family members, employees of the Insurers, any judiciary members assigned to the action, and the Parties' counsel in the Action.

Understanding Settlement Awards

Eligible class members who submit a valid claim form will receive a settlement check representing 100% of the Georgia title ad valorem tax owed, calculated as 6.6% of the actual cash value of the total loss vehicle. If a class member previously received a portion of the TAVT that was less than 6.6%, the Defendants will pay the difference, with a cap of $450 per class member.

Insured Vehicles and Total Loss Claims

The settlement pertains to total loss claims on vehicles insured by the Defendants. If your insured vehicle was deemed a total loss and you submitted a claim within the specified period, you may be entitled to compensation.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Award?

No documentation is required to be submitted with your claim form. The claim form will guide you on the necessary information to provide.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your settlement payment, submit a completed and signed claim form by February 6, 2024. You can file the claim form electronically here or mail it to the Settlement Administrator. Ensure mailed claim forms are postmarked by the deadline.

For assistance with the claim form or further instructions, contact the Settlement Administrator or visit the official settlement website.

Settlement Amount and Calculations

The settlement provides compensation to class members who submit valid claims, with the total individual payments not exceeding $450. The settlement amount will not be reduced by any court-awarded attorneys' fees, expense reimbursement, or class representative service award.

The settlement amount is designed to compensate class members for the alleged underpayment of the title ad valorem tax. The exact calculations are based on the actual cash value of the total loss vehicle and the TAVT owed.

The Reason Behind the Class Action Settlement

The class action lawsuit was initiated based on allegations that the Insurers breached their contracts by failing to fully compensate policyholders for total loss claims with the appropriate title ad valorem tax. The settlement aims to resolve these allegations without further litigation.

The settlement has been reached to avoid the cost and risk of trial and appeal, ensuring that affected class members receive compensation. If you believe you are a class member, review the settlement details and consider the next steps to claim your award.

Settlement Open for Claims
Up to $450
February 6, 2024