Meta $37.5M Settlement: Location Services Lawsuit Info
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A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Meta Platforms, Inc., formerly known as Facebook, Inc. The lawsuit alleges that Meta improperly inferred the location of Facebook users in the United States through their IP addresses even if a user had turned off Location Services on their iOS or Android device for the Facebook application. A settlement has been reached, and affected users may be eligible for a cash payment. This article will delve into the details of the settlement, including its amount, important dates, class members involved, and potential awards.

Analyzing the Settlement Amount

The proposed settlement between Meta and plaintiffs involves a fund of $37,500,000 to cover valid claims submitted by affected users. This amount also includes notice and administration expenses, attorneys' fees and costs, and service awards for Settlement Class Representatives. While this may seem like a substantial sum at first glance, it is crucial to understand how this amount will be distributed among claimants and other parties involved in the case.

Key Dates

  • Claim Deadline: August 11th 2023 - The deadline to submit a claim form online or via mail.
  • Opt-Out Deadline: August 11th 2023 - The deadline to opt-out of participating in the settlement if you wish to pursue separate legal actions against Meta.
  • Objection Deadline: October 5th 2023 - The deadline to file an objection with the court if you disagree with any aspect of the proposed settlement.
  • Final Approval Hearing: October 19th 2023 at 10:00 AM PDT - A court hearing where objections will be heard, and the judge will decide whether to approve the settlement.

These dates are essential for affected users to keep in mind when deciding to participate in the settlement or pursue other legal avenues. Missing any of these deadlines may result in forfeiting your rights within this specific case.

Class Members

The Settlement Class includes all natural persons residing in the United States who used Facebook between January 30, 2015, and April 18, 2018 (inclusive) and had their iOS or Android Location Services setting for the Facebook application turned off at any point during that period. If you meet these criteria, you may be eligible to submit a claim as a class member.

To file a claim, you must reside in the United States and have used Facebook between January 30, 2015, and April 18, 2018. Additionally, you must believe that your iOS or Android Location Services setting for the Facebook application was turned off during that time frame. If you meet these requirements, you can proceed with submitting a claim form online or via mail by following instructions provided on the official settlement website.

Potential Awards for Class Members

The total amount distributed among class members will be calculated as follows: The $37.5 million Settlement Fund minus administrative costs (such as notice expenses), attorneys' fees and costs awarded by the court to Settlement Class Counsel (the lawyers representing plaintiffs), and Service Awards approved by the court for Settlement Class Representatives (the individuals who initiated this lawsuit). This resulting amount is referred to as the Net Settlement Fund.

The Net Settlement Fund will be distributed equally among all class members who submit valid claims. However, it is important to note that if too many claims are made such that it becomes economically or administratively infeasible to pay class members directly, the settlement funds will instead be directed to non-profit organizations approved by the court.

As an example, assuming a Net Settlement Fund of $25,000,000 and one million valid claims submitted, each claimant would receive approximately $25. If 2.5 million claims are made under the same Net Settlement Fund amount, each claimant would receive around $10. The actual amount received by each claimant depends on various factors detailed in the settlement and cannot be determined in advance.

In conclusion, this class-action lawsuit against Meta Platforms Inc. (formerly Facebook Inc.) offers potential cash payments to affected users who meet specific criteria as class members. By understanding the details of the settlement amount, important dates and deadlines involved in the case, eligibility requirements for class members, and potential awards available for claimants who submit valid claims on time can make informed decisions about their legal rights within this case.

Settlement Open for Claims
August 11, 2023