Crawford Coal Plant $12,250,000 Settlement Information
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Residents and property owners in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood may be entitled to compensation as part of a class action settlement due to the Crawford Coal Plant smokestack demolition incident. This article provides an in-depth look at the settlement details, eligibility criteria, and the steps you need to take to claim your settlement award.

Who Benefits?: Individuals and entities present or owning property within the Class Boundaries on April 11, 2020.

How much can I get?: Payments are estimated to range from $200 to $400 for personal injury claims, with potential additional compensation for property damage claims.

Important Dates

  • Fairness Hearing: Scheduled for April 22, 2024.
  • Deadline to File a Claim: March 26, 2024.

Identifying Eligible Class Members

Class Members include those who were within the Class Boundaries during the demolition or owned property that was affected by the particulate matter released. The Class Boundaries are defined as the area within specific geographic points in the Little Village neighborhood.

  • Personal Injury Class
  • Property Class

Claims for personal injury do not require proof, while property damage claims require evidence of the damage value.

Compensation Breakdown for Claimants

Class Members can file claims for personal injuries, property damage, or both. The Settlement Fund, totaling $12,250,000, will be allocated to cover these claims, attorneys' fees, costs, and other expenses.

  • Personal Injury Claims: Estimated payments between $200 - $400 per claimant.
  • Property Damage Claims: Up to $1,000,000 is allocated for property damage claims, reimbursed based on the value of the damage.

The Demolition Incident and Its Impact

The class action settlement stems from the demolition of the Crawford Coal Plant's smokestack, which took place on April 11, 2020. The demolition released particulate matter that affected the surrounding area, leading to this lawsuit.

  • Former Crawford Coal Plant smokestack demolition
  • Release of particulate matter

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Proof of property damage is required to claim compensation. This can include affidavits, receipts, or a detailed description of the damage. Personal injury claims do not require additional proof beyond the claim form.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, submit a Claim Form online. For property damage claims, include evidence of the damage value. Community events may also offer opportunities for in-person claim submission.

Analyzing the Settlement Fund

The Settlement Fund is designed to compensate Class Members fairly. If the number of claims affects the payout amounts, the Settlement Agreement may provide for a pro rata distribution.

The Rationale Behind the Settlement

The settlement resolves allegations of improper demolition conduct by the Defendants. It aims to compensate those affected without further litigation. Following the Fairness Hearing, approved claimants can expect payments around late June 2024.

For more information or assistance, contact the Claims Administrator at 877-272-4962 or visit

Settlement Open for Claims
$200 - $400
March 26, 2024