If you are a consumer residing in Florida who received a collection letter from Wakefield & Associates, LLC regarding a past-due medical debt to Inphynet Contracting Services, LLC, you may be eligible to submit a claim for a portion of an $87,500 class action settlement.
Wakefield & Associates, LLC has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit for allegedly attempting to collect interest charges without statutory or legal authority [1].
Who is eligible for a class action payout?
The class members include:
- Consumers residing in Florida from April 12, 2022, to September 19, 2024.
- You received a debt collection letter from Wakefield & Associates, LLC requesting payment for a past-due medical debt owed to Inphynet Contracting Services, LLC.
- The letter contained an interest charge in addition to the principal balance.
- There is also a sub-class of 57 individuals who paid an amount greater than the original principal amount. These individuals will receive a refund of the interest payment and a share of the General Class Fund [1].
What is the debt collection settlement payment?
- Pro-rata Cash Payment: Amount determined by the number of approved claims, up to $1,000.
- Interest Sub-Class Members: Will receive a refund of their interest payment plus the Pro-rata Cash Payment.
- Future Interest Charges Waived: Wakefield & Associates has agreed to waive the interest added to the debt belonging to the 11,173 class members.
How to claim a class action payout
To claim a settlement payment, class members must file a claim by the April 29, 2025 deadline. Claims can be submitted online through the online claim form or by mailing the claim form attached to the postcard notice to the settlement administrator.
Settlement Administrator's mailing address: Hernandez Class Action Settlement, c/o Atticus Administration, PO Box 64053, St. Paul, MN 55164
Is documentation required to submit a claim?
Claimant ID required to submit an online claim. No additional proof is required.
Settlement payment options
Approved claimants will receive a check mailed to the address provided.
$87,500 Settlement fund
The settlement fund and other expenses include:
- Payments to Interest Sub-Class Members: $1,695.15
- Payments to approved claimants: Determined by number of valid claim submissions
- Settlement administration costs: To be paid by the Defendant separately from the settlement fund
- Attorneys' fees and expenses: Up to $75,000 paid separately from the settlement fund by the Defendant
- Service award to Plaintiff: $3,000, paid separately from the settlement fund by the Defendant
Important dates
- Fairness Hearing: May 30, 2025
- Deadline to File a Claim: April 29, 2025
When is the Florida debt collection class action settlement payout date?
The Fairness Hearing is scheduled for May 30, 2025. Once the court grants final approval to the settlement, payments will be issued.
Why was there a class action settlement?
The lawsuit alleged that Wakefield & Associates, LLC attempted to collect interest charges without statutory or legal authority, violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act. The settlement was reached to avoid further litigation costs and a possible trial.