DoorDash $663,520 FLSA Misclassification Settlement
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If you have completed at least one delivery on the DoorDash platform in the United States between August 23, 2016, and August 31, 2023, you may be eligible to claim an award from a class action settlement.

DoorDash, Inc. has agreed to pay $663,520 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged misclassification of Dashers as independent contractors and failure to pay minimum and overtime wages under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Who Can Claim an Award?

To be eligible to claim an award from this settlement, you must have a Dasher account confirmed by DoorDash and have completed at least one delivery on the DoorDash platform in the United States between August 23, 2016, and August 31, 2023.

Additionally, you should not be bound by an arbitration agreement that covers any claims concerning your Dasher activities or otherwise required to arbitrate your claims concerning your Dasher activities.

Lastly, you must not have already released all FLSA claims or be otherwise barred by the statute of limitations from pursuing the claims asserted in this lawsuit.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

The settlement amount of $663,520.00 includes several components:

  • Section 216(b) Settlement Amount: Up to $425,247.19 will be allocated to Plaintiff, Opt-In Plaintiffs, and Eligible Claimants if they become Final Settlement Class Members.
  • Service Payment Allocation: Plaintiff will receive $2,500.00 for his services on behalf of the Final Settlement Class Members in this lawsuit and his general release of claims against the Released Parties.
  • Attorneys' Fees Payment: Class Counsel will receive up to 25% of the Maximum Gross Settlement Amount, which is $165,880.
  • Attorney's Expenses Payment: Class Counsel will be reimbursed $41,785.06 for expenses incurred in connection with the lawsuit.
  • Administrative Costs: The Settlement Administrator, Simpluris, Inc., will receive up to $28,107.75 for administrative costs.

The calculation of each Final Settlement Class Member's share of the settlement is based on the “Unreleased Miles” associated with each Eligible Claimant.

Unreleased Miles are DoorDash's best estimate of the total on-delivery miles driven between the location where you received and accepted an order and the location where you delivered that order, less any mileage accrued on or before the release end date of any prior individual or class-action settlement(s) that affects your FLSA claims.

Your allocation of the Section 216(b) Settlement Amount is determined by dividing your Unreleased Miles by the total sum of the Unreleased Miles for the Plaintiff, Opt-In Plaintiffs, and Eligible Claimants, and then multiplying the resulting fraction by the Section 216(b) Settlement Amount.

For example, if the total Unreleased Miles for all claimants is 100,000 miles and your Unreleased Miles are 1,000 miles, your share of the Section 216(b) Settlement Amount would be: 1,000 divided by 100,000 times 425,247.19 = $4,252.47

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Not applicable. Claimants do not need to proactively provide proof they are a class member. The Settlement Administrator already has the necessary information.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you must complete and submit a Claim Form to the Settlement Administrator. You can file a claim online by visiting the online claim form. Alternatively, you can submit your completed Claim Form by fax to (888) 428-6696 or by U.S. Mail to:

Simpluris, Inc.

Salmons v. DoorDash, Inc. Settlement Administrator

PO Box 26170

Santa Ana, CA 92799

The Claim Form must be received by the Settlement Administrator on or before September 6, 2024.

Submitting a Claim

Follow these steps to submit your claim:

  1. Visit the online claim form to file your claim electronically.
  2. Alternatively, you can fax your completed Claim Form to (888) 428-6696.
  3. If you prefer to mail your Claim Form, send it to Simpluris, Inc., Salmons v. DoorDash, Inc. Settlement Administrator, PO Box 26170, Santa Ana, CA 92799.
  4. Ensure your Claim Form is received by the Settlement Administrator on or before September 6, 2024.
  5. If your Claim Form is incomplete, respond to any deficiency notices from the Settlement Administrator within fourteen (14) days.

How do I Get Paid?

Upon receipt of your settlement check, it will be your responsibility to redeem the check before the expiration date of the checks (90 days after initial mailing). If your check is lost or misplaced, you should contact the Settlement Administrator immediately to request a replacement.

$663,520 Settlement Fund

The total settlement amount is $663,520. This amount includes various allocations:

  • Section 216(b) Settlement Amount: Up to $425,247.19 for Plaintiff, Opt-In Plaintiffs, and Eligible Claimants.
  • Service Payment Allocation: $2,500 to Plaintiff.
  • Attorneys' Fees Payment: Up to $165,880 for Class Counsel.
  • Attorney's Expenses Payment: $41,785.06 for expenses incurred by Class Counsel.
  • Administrative Costs: Up to $28,107.75 for the Settlement Administrator.

Important Dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: September 6, 2024

When is the Payout?

Awards will be paid after the Claim Forms are processed and approved. The exact date will depend on the processing time.

Why is there a Class Action Settlement?

This settlement resolves allegations that DoorDash misclassified Dashers as independent contractors and violated the FLSA by failing to pay minimum wage and overtime compensation. DoorDash denies these allegations but has agreed to settle to avoid the cost, delay, and uncertainty of litigation.

What Happens Next?

Eligible Claimants should submit their Claim Forms by the deadline to receive their settlement payments. The Settlement Administrator will process the claims, and payments will be issued accordingly.

Settlement Open for Claims
September 6, 2024