CheckPeople Settlement for Right of Publicity Act Claims
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If you live or lived in Illinois and someone searched your name and purchased a report on between November 1, 2020, and March 31, 2023, you may be eligible to claim $200 to $400 from a class action settlement.

CheckPeople, LLC has agreed to pay $2,598,050 to settle a class action lawsuit for allegedly using individuals’ names, ages, current city and state of residence, former residence locations, lists of possible relatives, or other identifying information to advertise or promote the subscription service to its people search engine.

Can I Claim an Award?

To be eligible for the award, you must be an Illinois resident whose name was displayed on a search result page where your profile was clicked on by a user who subsequently purchased a CheckPeople subscription between November 1, 2020, and March 31, 2023. If you received a notice of the Settlement via email or in the mail, our records indicate that you are a class member and are included in the Damages Settlement Subclass.

The Injunction Settlement Class includes Illinois residents in CheckPeople’s database from November 1, 2020, through June 20, 2024. The Damages Settlement Subclass is a subset of individuals listed in Defendant’s database: those individuals who were searched for on the database and for whom a report was purchased.

  • Injunction Settlement Class: includes Illinois residents in CheckPeople’s database from November 1, 2020, through June 20, 2024.
  • Damages Settlement Subclass: includes Illinois residents whose names were displayed on a search result page where their profiles were clicked on by a user who subsequently purchased a CheckPeople subscription between November 1, 2020, and March 31, 2023.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

If you are eligible, you can file a claim to receive a cash payment. Payments to Damages Settlement Subclass Members who submit a valid Claim Form are estimated to be $200 to $400, but the settlement payments could be more or less depending on the number of valid claims submitted. These will be a pro rata, or equal, share of either a $2,598,050 fund that CheckPeople agreed to create for the Damages Settlement Subclass, after the payment of Settlement expenses, attorneys’ fees, and any incentive awards for the Class Representatives approved by the Court.

  • Estimated Payment: $200 to $400 per valid claim.
  • Settlement Fund: $2,598,050, subject to deductions for settlement expenses, attorneys’ fees, and incentive awards.

For example, if there are 10,000 valid claims, the calculation would be as follows:

  • Total Fund: $2,598,050
  • Estimated Expenses: $500,000 (for simplicity)
  • Net Fund: $2,098,050
  • Payment per Claimant: $2,098,050 / 10,000 = $209.81

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Not applicable. The claimant does not need to proactively provide proof because the Settlement Administrator already has their information.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form by September 10, 2024. If you received an email notice, it contained a link to the online Claim Form, which is also available on the online claim form. The online claim form lets you select to receive your payment by Venmo, Zelle, or check. A paper Claim Form with pre-paid postage was attached to the postcard notice you may have received in the mail. If you send in a paper Claim Form and it is approved, you will receive a check by mail.

How do I Get Paid?

Payments will be issued within 28 days after the Settlement Effective Date. You can choose to receive your payment via Venmo, Zelle, or check. Uncashed checks and electronic payments that are unable to be completed will expire and become void 180 days after they are issued and will revert to the Settlement Fund to be distributed pro rata to claiming Damages Settlement Subclass Members or in a manner as otherwise directed by the Court upon application made by Class Counsel.

$2,598,050 Settlement Fund Breakdown

The total settlement amount is $2,598,050. This amount will be used to pay for:

  • Notice and administration costs
  • Incentive awards for the Class Representatives
  • Attorneys’ fees
  • Cash payments to eligible Damages Settlement Subclass Members

Individual payments to Damages Settlement Subclass Members who submit a valid Claim Form are estimated to be $200 to $400, but the settlement payments could be more or less depending on the number of valid claims submitted.

Important Dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: September 10, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: October 31, 2024

When is the CheckPeople Settlement Payout?

Awards will be paid within 28 days after the Settlement Effective Date, provided there are no appeals.

Why is there a Class Action Settlement?

The lawsuit claims that CheckPeople violated an Illinois law called the Illinois Right of Publicity Act when it allegedly used individuals’ names, ages, current city and state of residence, former residence locations, lists of possible relatives, or other identifying information to advertise or promote the subscription service to its people search engine. CheckPeople denies that it did anything wrong or violated any law.

What Happens Next?

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on October 31, 2024, to determine whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable, adequate, and in the best interests of the Settlement Classes. If the Court approves the Settlement and there are no appeals, payments will be issued within 28 days after the Settlement Effective Date.

Settlement Open for Claims
$200 - $400
September 10, 2024