Apple $25 Million Settlement for False Advertising
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If you purchased a subscription to an app through the Apple Store while enrolled in a Family Sharing group with at least one other member between June 21, 2015, and January 30, 2019, you might be entitled to a payment from a class action settlement. This settlement addresses allegations that Apple misrepresented the ability to use its Family Sharing feature for app subscriptions. While Apple has agreed to a $25 million settlement, they deny any wrongdoing.

Who Benefits?: Individuals who were part of a Family Sharing group and purchased a subscription to an app (excluding Apple's own apps) through the App Store within the specified period. How much can I get?: Eligible class members may receive a pro rata share of the settlement, up to $30.00, depending on the number of claims and court-approved deductions.

Important Dates

  • Fairness Hearing: The final approval hearing is scheduled for April 2, 2024.
  • Deadline to File a Claim: Class members must inform the Settlement Administrator of their choice to receive a Class Payment by March 1, 2024.

Identifying Eligible Class Members

You may be included in this settlement as a "Class Member" if you meet the following criteria:

  • You were enrolled in a Family Sharing group with at least one other person between June 21, 2015, and January 30, 2019.
  • You were a United States resident during that time.
  • You purchased a subscription to an app (other than one published by Apple) through the App Store during that time.

Class Members should have received a notification from the Settlement Administrator if Apple's records indicate they may be eligible. If you have not received a notification but believe you are eligible, you can visit the official settlement website or contact the Settlement Administrator for more information.

  • Individuals who purchased app subscriptions while enrolled in a Family Sharing group.
  • U.S. residents during the claim period.

Exclusions apply to employees, officers, or agents of Apple, as well as judicial officers assigned to this case and their immediate families.

Understanding Your Potential Settlement Award

The settlement fund totals $25 million, from which Class Payments will be made to eligible Class Members. The final amount each Class Member will receive depends on the total number of valid claims and the deductions approved by the Court for attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, incentive awards, and administrative costs.

  • Class Payment: Up to $30.00 per eligible Class Member.

The Misrepresentation Allegations

The lawsuit alleges that Apple misrepresented the ability of Family Sharing group members to share app subscriptions. The plaintiffs claim that Apple's statements led users to believe they could share subscriptions more freely than was actually the case.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Class Members typically must validate their eligibility. This often involves confirming their identity and providing details of their qualifying purchases.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, visit the official settlement website and follow the instructions to elect to receive a Class Payment. You must submit your choice and necessary information by the deadline of March 1, 2024.

Analysis of the Settlement Fund

The $25 million settlement amount will be distributed after deducting court-approved fees and costs.

The Reason Behind the Settlement

The class action settlement arises from allegations that Apple misrepresented the capabilities of its Family Sharing feature concerning app subscription sharing. The settlement is a compromise to avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with ongoing litigation. It provides eligible Class Members with compensation, while Apple resolves the claims without admitting any wrongdoing.

Settlement Open for Claims
Up to $30.00
March 1, 2024