Amazon Services $5.5M COVID-19 Screening Settlement Services, LLC
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If you are a current or former non-exempt employee of Services, LLC in California who underwent one or more COVID-19 temperature screenings during the period of April 1, 2020, through July 17, 2021 (or through February 23, 2022, for those who worked at the facility known as OAK4 in Tracy, California), you may be eligible to claim a portion of a $5,500,000 class action settlement. Services, LLC has agreed to pay $5,500,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged failure to pay for all time spent by hourly employees completing COVID-19 screenings before their shifts.

Who Can Claim an Award?

The class members eligible for this settlement include all current and former non-exempt employees of Services, LLC in California who underwent one or more COVID-19 temperature screenings from April 1, 2020, through July 17, 2021, for those who did not work at the OAK4 facility in Tracy, California. For those who worked at the OAK4 facility, the period extends from April 1, 2020, through February 23, 2022.

If you fall into this category, you are automatically considered a class member and are eligible to participate in the settlement. The settlement aims to compensate employees for the time spent undergoing COVID-19 screenings, which plaintiffs allege was not compensated appropriately under California law.

What Awards Can Class Members Claim?

The settlement amount of $5,500,000 will be distributed among the participating class members. The net settlement amount will be allocated based on the number of workweeks each class member worked during the specified periods.

The net settlement amount is calculated after deducting the following from the total settlement amount:

  • $75,000 to the Labor and Workforce Development Agency
  • $10,000 incentive payments to each of the three named plaintiffs
  • $200 total payment to the Non-California FLSA Opt-In Plaintiffs
  • Costs to the third-party administrator for administering the settlement
  • Attorneys' fees up to 1/3 of the settlement amount
  • Litigation expenses up to $100,000

The remaining amount will be divided among the class members on a pro-rata basis, calculated based on the number of workweeks each member worked during the specified periods.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Proof is not applicable. The claimants do not need to proactively provide proof because the Settlement Administrator already has their information.

How to Claim an Award

To participate in the settlement, you do not need to take any further action. Upon final approval from the Court, you will receive a settlement check calculated based on the number of workweeks you worked during the specified periods.

How do I Get Paid?

The settlement checks will be mailed to the address on file for each class member. Ensure your address is up-to-date with the Settlement Administrator to avoid any delays in receiving your payment.

When will Awards be Paid?

Awards will be paid after the final approval hearing and once the settlement is approved by the Court.

Why is There a Class Action Settlement?

The lawsuit was filed against Services, LLC, alleging that the company failed to pay its non-exempt employees for all time spent in COVID-19 screenings. The plaintiffs claimed that this violated California law, which requires employers to compensate employees for all hours worked, including time spent on mandatory screenings.

COVID-19 Screenings at Amazon Facilities

The screenings were implemented as a safety measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the plaintiffs argued that the time spent undergoing these screenings should have been compensated as part of their work hours.

What Happens Next?

The next steps involve the final approval hearing scheduled for October 29, 2024. If the settlement is approved, the Settlement Administrator will begin distributing the settlement checks to the class members based on the number of workweeks worked during the specified periods.

Settlement Open for Claims
September 20, 2024