[24]7.ai agrees to $1.1 million settlement for wage claims
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If you are a current or former hourly-paid individual engaged by [24]7.ai, Inc. as a Customer Service Representative between February 15, 2020, and June 15, 2024, you may be eligible to claim a monetary award from a class action settlement.

24]7.ai, Inc. has agreed to pay $1,100,000 to settle a [class action lawsuit for alleged failure to pay overtime and straight pay wages.

Who can submit a claim?

The class members eligible to submit a claim include:

  • All current and former hourly-paid individuals engaged by [24]7.ai, Inc.
    • As Customer Service Representatives
    • Between February 15, 2020, and June 15, 2024.

How much can class members get?

The settlement fund of $1,100,000 will be used to pay the claims of the Class Members, as well as other expenses. The estimated Net Settlement Amount to be used to pay the claims of Class Members is approximately $643,370.

Your estimated Settlement Payment is based on the number of weeks you worked during the Class Period. The Net Settlement Amount will be divided into two buckets:

  • FLSA Settlement Payment bucket: 75% of the Net Settlement Amount
  • Rule 23 Settlement Payment bucket: 25% of the Net Settlement Amount

Individual Settlement Payments will be calculated as follows:

  • The number of Workweeks worked by Settlement Class Members during the Class Period will be used.
  • Each Settlement Class Member is eligible to receive a pro rata share of the FLSA Settlement Payment bucket and the Rule 23 Settlement Payment bucket based on their share of the total number of Workweeks during the Class Period.
  • The value of a single Workweek during the Class Period will be determined by dividing the FLSA Settlement Payment bucket and the Rule 23 Settlement Payment bucket by the total number of Workweeks during the Class Period worked by all Settlement Class Members.
  • Each Settlement Class Member will be allocated a gross payment equal to their individual Workweeks during the Class Period multiplied by the value of a single Workweek during the Class Period.

The individual FLSA Settlement Payments and Rule 23 Settlement Payments will be allocated as follows:

  • 50% of each Settlement Class Member’s Individual Settlement Payments will be allocated to settlement of wage claims (the “Wage Portions”).
  • The remaining 50% will be allocated to liquidated damages, penalties, and interest.

The Wage Portions are subject to tax withholding and will be reported on an IRS W-2 Form. The portion allocated to liquidated damages, penalties, and interest (i.e., Non-Wage Portions) are not subject to wage withholdings and will be reported in IRS 1099 Forms (if required).

How to claim an award

To claim an award, you do not need to do anything if you are a Class Member. You will automatically receive your Individual Settlement Payments in the mail if the Court approves the proposed Settlement.

If you need to update your information, you can contact the Settlement Administrator at:

[24]7 Settlement c/o Atticus Administration

PO Box 64053

Saint Paul, MN 55164

Email: 24-7Settlement@atticusadmin.com

When is the payout date?

Payments will be mailed to the address on file. Ensure your address is up to date with the Settlement Administrator.

$1,100,000 Settlement Fund

The settlement fund of $1,100,000 will cover:

  • Claims of the Class Members
  • Fees for providing notice to the Class and administering the Settlement (up to $40,000)
  • Attorneys’ Fees (up to $366,630)
  • Litigation expenses (up to $40,000)
  • Incentive awards to the Representative Plaintiffs (up to $5,000 each)

The estimated Net Settlement Amount to be used to pay the claims of Class Members is approximately $643,370.

Important dates

  • Request for Exclusion Deadline: September 19, 2024
  • Workweek Dispute Deadline: September 19, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: November 14, 2024

When is the [24]7.ai, Inc. payout date?

The awards will be paid after the Court grants final approval of the Settlement and any appeals are resolved.

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on November 14, 2024, to determine whether the Settlement should be approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate. If approved, the Settlement Administrator will distribute the payments to eligible Class Members.

Settlement Open for Claims
September 19, 2024