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20 Rahling Circle
Little Rock

In thier own words

Roberts Law Firm, P.A. is a niche law firm with presence in Boston, Massachusetts and Little Rock, Arkansas. For two decades, the firm has been trusted by national and international businesses across diverse industries to help them triumph in high-stakes, complex matters. Whether zealously representing its corporate clientele in litigation, in private settlement discussions or in recovering volume damages claims in antitrust matters, Roberts Law Firm works to increase its corporate clientele’s bottom line. We represent commercial clients throughout the United States, including Arkansas, Florida, New York, Tennessee, Texas, and Massachusetts, and worldwide – throughout Europe, Asia, and China, Taiwan, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates. Practice Areas: • International Business Law and Litigation • Business Litigation and General Liability • Business Transactions • Antitrust Litigation • Intellectual Property • Utility Law • Products Liability Defense Efficient, C

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Class Action Settlements


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