Burns Charest LLP

Your Trial Lawyers.
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900 Jackson Street
Suite 500

In thier own words

Trial Lawyers for High-Stakes Litigation. We believe that our justice system is designed to serve all people, regardless of wealth, race, gender, or circumstance. We are here to make that system work for our clients. We do not battle our opponents by doing what they do. We create a nimble, intelligent, and efficient force. We focus on the client's needs to achieve results that matter.

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Class Action Settlements

Gaia Yoga International $2 Million VPPA Settlement

Gaia Yoga International $2 Million VPPA Settlement

Open for Claims
December 2, 2024


The name, logos, trademarks, and all related marks are the property of Burns Charest LLP. All information, images, and content regarding the firm are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to imply any endorsement or affiliation. The information presented is based on publicly available data and is subject to change. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information. For specific inquiries, please contact the respective law firm directly.