Data Breach

AuthoraCare Collective Data Breach Investigation

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AuthoraCare Collective Data Breach Investigation
AuthoraCare Collective Data Breach Investigation

Shamis & Gentile P.A., one of the nation's premier class action law firms specializing in data breach cases, is investigating the AuthoraCare Collective data breach.

If you were affected by the data breach, your sensitive personally identifiable information may have been exposed, and you may be eligible for compensation.

About AuthoraCare Collective

AuthoraCare Collective, formerly known as Hospice of Greensboro and Hospice of Alamance-Caswell, is a healthcare organization providing hospice, palliative, grief support, and specialized children's care services. Founded in 1980, the organization emphasizes patient-centered care, supporting individuals and families during challenging illnesses.

Based in North Carolina, AuthoraCare Collective employs approximately 128 people, according to LinkedIn. Its services include hospice care, palliative care, grief counseling, and a specialized program called Kids Path, designed specifically for children coping with serious illnesses or grief.

What Happened?

On August 22, 2024, AuthoraCare Collective discovered technical issues affecting its network systems. Upon immediate investigation, it was determined that an unauthorized actor gained access to the organization's systems between August 18, 2024, and August 22, 2024. After a thorough forensic analysis, the organization confirmed on October 21, 2024, that sensitive protected health information was accessed or acquired by the unauthorized party.

The data breach potentially exposed sensitive personal information of approximately 58,019 individuals across the United States.

Information types exposed:

  • First and last names
  • Medical diagnosis information
  • Prescription details
  • Social Security numbers
  • Demographic information

AuthoraCare Collective has reported the breach to law enforcement and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They are offering complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services through Cyber Scout, a TransUnion company, to individuals whose Social Security numbers were impacted.

Your Rights and Next Steps

If you believe your information was compromised in the AuthoraCare Collective data breach, you have important rights and options available to you.

First, you should remain vigilant and closely monitor your financial accounts and credit reports for any suspicious activity. You are entitled by law to receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus.

Second, you may consider placing a fraud alert or credit freeze on your credit file. A fraud alert requires businesses to verify your identity before issuing credit, while a credit freeze restricts access to your credit report entirely. Both are free to implement and can help protect you from identity theft or financial fraud.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you were affected by the AuthoraCare Collective data breach, you may be eligible for compensation. Lawyers are ready to help you understand your rights and determine if you qualify to join a class action lawsuit.

To find out if you qualify, complete the below form. Taking action today can help protect your rights and potentially secure compensation for any harm or inconvenience you have experienced as a result of this breach.


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