Patelco Credit Union Faces Lawsuit Over Security Breach

Jerome Andries, Esq.
Reporter and Licensed Attorney
October 9, 2023 2:21 PM
July 1, 2024
Patelco Credit Union Faces Lawsuit Over Security Breach

Patelco Credit Union, a locally renowned name, finds itself in the eye of a legal storm. Sophie Jani has initiated a class-action lawsuit against the credit union on behalf of herself and others who have allegedly been affected by Patelco's data security practices. The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, alleges that Patelco failed to adequately secure and safeguard sensitive customer information, leading to a data breach.

Sophie Jani, like countless others, trusted Patelco with her personal and financial information. As a part of its business operations, Patelco collected and stored personally identifiable information (PII) such as names and social security numbers. However, the lawsuit alleges that Patelco's security measures were far from adequate. "Patelco Credit Union failed to implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information to protect the personal information," the lawsuit reads.

The crux of the issue lies in Patelco's handling of its customers' PII. The lawsuit alleges that Patelco stored this sensitive information on a cloud-based database, which was not secure. The lack of proper security measures such as encryption, firewall, and access controls made the PII vulnerable to unauthorized access and disclosure. The lawsuit further alleges that Patelco failed to conduct regular security testing and did not provide adequate training to its employees on information security.

The alleged vulnerability in Patelco's system was exploited when a data breach occurred. An attacker accessed and acquired unencrypted files containing the PII of Patelco's customers. The lawsuit alleges that Patelco failed to promptly and adequately notify affected individuals of the data breach. This lack of transparency and communication delay further exacerbated the affected customers' situation.

The fallout from the data breach has been significant. The lawsuit claims that the affected customers, including Sophie Jani, have suffered various injuries, including the lost or diminished value of their PII, out-of-pocket expenses, lost opportunity costs, and the disclosure of their private information. They also continue to face a risk to their PII.

The lawsuit alleges that Patelco's actions violated several federal and state statutes related to the protection of consumer PII. These include the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Unfair Competition Law (UCL). The CCPA, in particular, provides California residents with the right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared. The UCL, on the other hand, prohibits unfair competition, including acts or practices that are unlawful, fraudulent, or unfair.

Sophie Jani and the class members seek various forms of compensation, including monetary damages, credit monitoring services, and restitution of wrongfully retained revenues. The lawsuit also seeks injunctive relief to prohibit Patelco from engaging in wrongful acts and to require them to protect and delete PII unless justified. The implementation of an information security program, third-party audits, and security monitoring are also demanded.

While these allegations are yet to be proven in court, they highlight the importance of robust data security practices and the potential legal and financial consequences of failing to adequately protect customer information.

Data Breach
Case number
Patelco Credit Union
Date Filed
October 2, 2023
U.S. District Courts
California Northern District
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