Power Solutions International BIPA Settlement ($2.3M)
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If you worked at and/or for Power Solutions International, Inc. in Illinois and were required to provide a finger scan for authentication and timekeeping purposes at any time since October 30, 2013, you may be eligible to claim a cash payment from a class action settlement.

Power Solutions International, Inc. has agreed to pay $2,387,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).

The lawsuit claims that PSI required workers to provide their biometric identifiers and/or biometric information without first providing legally-required written disclosures and obtaining written consent.

Who can submit a claim?

To be eligible to submit a claim, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You worked or are currently working at and/or for PSI in the State of Illinois.
  • Your biometric identifiers and/or biometric information were collected, captured, received, otherwise obtained, maintained, stored, used, shared, disseminated, or disclosed by PSI without first obtaining your written consent.
  • The collection of your biometric information occurred between October 30, 2013, and April 29, 2024.

How much can class members get?

The settlement provides that each Settlement Class Member is entitled to a gross payment of $1,375.00. After applicable deductions for court-approved settlement administration costs, attorneys’ fees and costs, and an incentive award to the Class Representative, it is estimated that each member will receive approximately $864.12.

Is proof required to submit a claim?

No, claimants do not need to proactively provide proof to claim an award. The Settlement Administrator already has the necessary information to identify eligible class members.

How to claim an award

To claim an award, you do not need to do anything if you are an eligible class member. You will receive a check via First Class U.S. Mail following final approval of the settlement.

How do I get paid?

Payments will be made via check sent through First Class U.S. Mail.

$2,387,000 Settlement Fund

The settlement fund of $2,387,000 will cover the following:

  • Payments to Settlement Class Members: $1,375.00 gross per member, estimated to be $864.12 after deductions.
  • Attorneys’ fees: Up to 35% of the Settlement Fund, or $835,450.00.
  • Reasonable costs: Not to exceed $20,000.00.
  • Incentive award to the Class Representative: $7,500.00.
  • Settlement administration expenses.

Important dates

  • Objection Deadline: July 29, 2024
  • Exclusion Deadline: July 29, 2024
  • Final Approval Hearing: August 29, 2024

When is the PSI BIPA Settlement payout date?

The awards will be paid as soon as possible after the court order becomes final. If there is an appeal, payment may be delayed.

What happens next?

The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on August 29, 2024. If the settlement is approved, payments will be distributed to eligible class members. If the settlement is not approved, the lawsuit will continue, and no payments will be made at this time.

Settlement Open for Claims