Data Breach

VeriSource Services, Inc. Data Breach Investigation

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Shamis & Gentile P.A., one of the nation's premier class action law firms specializing in data breach cases, is investigating the VeriSource Services data breach.

If you were affected by the data breach, your sensitive personally identifiable information may have been exposed, and you may be eligible for compensation.

About VeriSource Services

VeriSource Services, Inc., founded in 1997, is a company that specializes in providing employee benefits administration and enrollment solutions to employer groups with a small team of 18 employees listed on LinkedIn.

The April 2024 Data Breach

On April 23, 2024, it was revealed that an unauthorized actor had acquired sensitive personal information from VeriSource's systems. This breach potentially exposed sensitive consumer information like names, addresses, and social security numebrs.

The breach affected a reported total of 55,312 individuals in the state of Texas alone, along with 41 individuals in Maine.

Consumers were notified of the breach on May 3, 2024, via U.S. Mail.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If your personal information was compromised in the VeriSource data breach, you might be entitled to compensation. Lawyers are ready to help you explore your legal options and ensure that your rights are protected. To join a potential lawsuit and seek compensation, please complete the form below.


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