Data Breach

Access Sports Medicine & Orthopedics Data Breach Investigation

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Shamis & Gentile P.A., one of the nation's premier class action law firms specializing in data breach cases, is investigating the Access Sports Medicine & Orthopedics data breach.

If you were affected by the data breach, your sensitive personally identifiable information may have been exposed, and you may be eligible for compensation.

About Access Sports

Access Sports Medicine & Orthopedics, founded in 1976, is a medical practice dedicated to helping individuals recover from various musculoskeletal injuries. Whether you're an athlete or someone dealing with work-related injuries, Access Sports provides access to specialized doctors and services like physical therapy, x-ray, and MRI without long waits with 69 employees listed on LinkedIn.

What happened?

In May 2024, Access Sports Medicine & Orthopedics detected suspicious activity within their network environment. Upon discovery, they quickly secured their network and enlisted a specialized cybersecurity firm to investigate. The investigation revealed that an unauthorized actor accessed certain files and data.

The breach resulted in the exposure of the following types of sensitive consumer information:

  1. Social Security Numbers
  2. Medical Records
  3. Financial Account Information

The breach affected 4,431 individuals in Massachusetts. For more details, you can view the Massachusetts Attorney General's disclosure.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If your information was compromised in this data breach, you might be eligible for compensation. Lawyers are ready to help you understand your rights and explore your options. To take the first step, please complete the form below to join a potential lawsuit.


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